What It Really Means To Be Brave In Our Society Today
To be brave is to have the courage to overcome what is in front of us, it is the opportunity to face that situation that life offers us, or that we have chosen. To be brave is a conscious choice, to test our capabilities, our limits and blocks. Courage is a challenge to which we expose ourselves in order to grow, learn and surpass ourselves.
A person is brave if he or she recognizes his or her fears and overcomes them.
To be brave, the first thing is to acknowledge our fears
There is no such thing as bravery if we have not first recognized the fear of that situation in which we have decided to be brave. When we do not recognize the risk of a situation, and do not reflect on its consequences, we can be reckless, but not brave.
When we do something, because we know how to do it and we have it well in hand, we will be expert, professional or well trained, but we will not be brave because of that either. Courage goes in other directions.
To be brave, we will always recognize the fear of that decision or situation, its dangers, risks and threats and, in spite of them, we decide to face it, and have the courage to expose ourselves, to take risks and to do our best to make it work.
So, if you’re scared, this is your chance to be brave
To be brave, is to decide to overcome your fears. When you do not face your fears, you do not overcome them, you block yourself, you stand still and do nothing, courage is replaced by cowardice. Take the opportunity and prove to yourself that you can be brave too.
The brave person chooses the path of success, because while fear paralyzes us, courage sets us in motion, allows us to overcome obstacles, seek solutions, be creative and not stop until we achieve our goals.
Success is the reward of brave people, of those who dared to overcome their limitations, and took risks
5 steps to be brave
If you want to learn how to be brave, there are 5 steps that will allow us to achieve this goal. The first one we have already discussed in depth, but it is the fundamental basis for all the others:
Recognize your fears: write them down in a list, define them and name them. By expressing them on paper you will be able to remove emotional baggage and see them for what they are, blocks and mental limitations, just that.
Describe your project, objective and goal: Be realistic and make proposals that you really want to achieve.
Write down the results of your success: Imagine that you have already achieved it, how you feel, what will have changed in your life and if it will have been worthwhile. If so, continue, if not, describe your project again in a way that is more appropriate for you.
Look for alternatives to the remote possibility of your fears becoming a reality. Think of possible solutions and possible consequences of your fears becoming a reality. What is the worst that can happen? What would happen next? Weigh the seriousness of the consequences of your project not coming out, and the probability of this happening. If the severity is high, and also the probability of it happening, then look for options to minimize the risks.
Be brave and keep going: Look for ways to move forward, minimizing risks and dangers, looking for intermediate paths to get closer to your goal, assuming the possible consequences of the mistake and its alternatives.
Trust in your capabilities, your skills, your know-how and your ability to succeed, even if the road is complicated, remember that there is always a way out and many solutions.
In any case, once you have spent some time reflecting, looking for strategies, deciding on the steps, possible paths and the most suitable formulas, despite the initial fear, be brave, and keep going, because, now you are closer than ever to your project.
When you succeed, you will feel like the bravest person in the world, because you have overcome all your limits and have dared to walk in the dark and groping, trusting in the light of your inner wisdom and the courage to want to achieve it.